Tuesday, March 17, 2015


We're on the plane right now, so I'll publish this when I remember tomorrow. Our little trip was nice. Most definitely too short. We didn't get to spend nearly as much time with friends as we had hoped. Ninja was in a funk at the start of the trip and I was in a funk toward the end. Either way, the time with my mom was so needed. I really really miss her. I won't get to see her until she visits in July, so the wait is gonna be hard. 

We got to build a little table for her front porch. She wanted something to put her coffee on when she sits out in the morning. It was a fun little project. My niece helped me paint it. She's my moms little helper.

We didn't go overboard on food, well, Ninja did a bit, haha. I tried not to overindulge, and it worked. :)
I enjoyed whatever we ate, but I limited a lot. Took my before pictures yesterday for the 3/16 Fit Girls challenge. I even bought workout shorts specifically for them, but now I have something that I can work toward wearing for a jog in public. Some day. :)

I don't feel crazy excited or motivated, though. I'm sure it's because I have so many other feelings taking priority right now. Hoping that changes as soon as we get back into routine at home. I'm sure it will. 
I need to work at taking more food pictures during the challenge and putting forth effort to make them look pretty. So that's my little personal challenge, too. I also haven't made my goal heart yet. Maybe I can do it at work tomorrow. I keep wanting to buy jeans or a dress or something to work toward getting into, but I also don't want to aim toward conforming to a specific piece of clothing. Not sure if that makes any sense. I'd rather get to a point where I'm proud of my progress, and then reward myself and go out and buy something that fits me in that moment. Otherwise, I feel like I'd be disappointed if I do a couple rounds of the challenge and still not see the progress I envisioned at the moment of purchasing said clothing. So I shall decide on my reward when the time comes! I'll just call it my surprise. :)

I'm glad so many of my friends are trying to be health/fitness conscious too. It helps a ton. 

Well, I guess that's all for now.


  1. I completely agree with you on the buying clothes thing! I'd rather reward myself with a massage or something when I do hit my specific goal. Just wanted to say I couldn't tell you aren't motivated....you seem pretty to be doing really good in that area! I need some of that to rub off on me this week lol

    1. Haha well good! Hopefully that means it's becoming my attitude. Try to remember that there is always a healthier choice. So even if you're cooking a meal for them or going out to eat, you can always make a healthier choice. IF you do indulge in something not so healthy, just limit yourself to a few bites of it. Always try to drink a glass of water before meals, tho. Really helps me when I'm craving something.
