Saturday, March 7, 2015

Before Pictures

Sorry it took so long! I ended up posting them on Instagram that day and totally forgot about posting them here.
First off, I cheated a bit. I wore high waisted pants, so the pictures are a bit deceiving. I also flexed for the arm picture and didn't think that I probably shouldn't have. Well, I should've taken pictures of them both ways. Either way, I'm taking more "before" pictures next week for the new Fit Girl Challenge. 

I went out for drinks after work yesterday, and had 2 drinks. The first drink made my head hurt a bit, and someone had a strong perfume on, so I had a full on headache. It was one of those outings, though, where I didn't really know everyone that well. I've been trying to be more social, but it's been hard for some reason. 
I hate to think of myself this way, but I've developed some sort of separation/social anxiety. It has happened a few times since being here. I'll get excited for a party or outing and get all dressed up, but then walking toward the door of destination, I get super anxious and have a strong desire to go home. But, I force myself to go in, make small talk, smile, and then it happens. I get super emotional and nervous and have to leave or I'll start crying. I have no idea why. Yesterday, I didn't have hubby with me, so I stuck it out but wanted to leave so bad. I left before the second stop. I had a few blocks to walk to my car, and it's like I couldn't get there fast enough. I was trying not to cry. Called my guy and as I'm trying to talk, it was there, welling up in my throat. Drove home as fast and safely as possible, crying. I get home, change and just lay in bed. Hubby comes in and the tears come again. He was what I needed. Not sure what's going on there, but I hope it gets better.

Finally calmed down aaaand neither of us had eaten dinner, but I still had a headache and he doesn't cook. So...yes...I had a cheat meal. Went to Jack in the Box and I got egg rolls and cheesecake. 
Not gonna lie, it was divine in all of its crunchy glory. I love their egg rolls. So needless to say, I didn't work out either. 

Woke up today, weighed myself and it read 180.8. I got off really quick and looked at the scale suspiciously, like it had done something wrong. I shouldn't be surprised, though. When I'm doing well, have a random cheat meal, I usually still lose, even if just a few ounces. This does wonders for my sanity. I do have to realize my limitations. That only happens when it's ONE cheat meal, not a whole weekend.

Was back at it today, and just finished my workout about a half hour ago. It went really well. I've been doing the Pilates alphabet after my workout, before my stretching. I got the furthest I've ever been today. I got to R!! If you haven't done it before, do yourself a favor and try it out. Click here to check it out. 


Picture time. :-S


  1. Honest, lovely read. Made me sad to think of you being sad like that. I admire your bravery, little foot. You're all grown up now. 😢
    Don't beat yourself up. We all have rough days, but you're on the right track. Suggestion...STOP WEIGHING yourself. Maybe that's a lot for me to ask of you. So maybe once a month? Our bodies fluctuate DAILY. The more you're working out, the more muscle you're going to put on. When I threw mine away, there was a freedom I had. My focus changed on the overall picture.
    I was able to stop beating myself up for every little cheat day. I got better.
    We all have to do what's best for us, but this is just a little friendly advice from your old lady friend.
    Keep up the great work!! ❤ Jacob Black

    1. I seriously needed that. I know I shouldn't weigh myself so often, it's just hard not to when it's sitting there on the bathroom floor. Alright, I'm putting it away. I'll have the hubs hide it and only pull it out for me once a month. Yeah, I like it! Thanks lady :)
