Thursday, March 19, 2015

Like a Beast

I don't know what it is, but I've been feeling super positive about all of this for the past couple days. I keep telling Ninja how excited I am to see my 4 week progress because I KNOW I'm going to stick to this, like it's not even a question, and that of course I'm going to like seeing results so I'm just gonna keep doing the challenge and that after a few months I could actually wear a sun dress that shows my arms this summer! Whaaaaat! <insert hands over mouth monkey emoji here>

So here I am all on this positivity high making dinner that I just was NOT feelin. Ate most of it begrudgingly, but even then it was light. So come 9:30pm tonight, both Ninja and I are hungry for a snack, which in my mind is a juicy flippin burger from Main Street. Oh man. Well, we're about to go somewhere for a snack and I told him he could choose the place and that I'd just pick the healthiest thing on the menu. He chooses Jack in the Crack. Of course. So I see they have this chicken pita thing that I was going to order, but then Ninja orders egg rolls. (MY egg rolls!!) So I decided I wanted nothing. I didn't want to order anything if I couldn't have what I wanted. Well he ended up with an extra egg roll which I claimed. Yes, I know. We get home. I go into the kitchen and make myself half a pita with turkey meat, lettuce and mozzarella cheese. Didn't even go near his food. I was so proud of myself!

Fast forward to post digestion, and I start my workout which is all cardio today. Did my cardio, added in some squats and push ups, AND, I did the WHOLE Pilates alphabet for the first time ever. 

Like. A. Beast.


  1. I'm so proud of you!!! It's so hard to have restraint especially when your hubby makes it hard for you lol. Pretty soon it won't be hard to resist things like that :-) Reading this has pumped me up so thank you!

    1. Right?? But, yes, it won't be like this forever. I just want to get to the point where this is my lifestyle and if we go out to eat, I can have whatever the heck I want, because duh, I work out!
