Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blogging helps.

Alright, I've had my doubts about blogging. Especially since there's MAYBE 2 people that actually read it, but!, I was on my way home yesterday from work, totally tired, and did NOT feel like cooking. I wanted junk. I was trying to justify driving through somewhere just this once, and do you know what I thought of? How if I did that, I'd have to write about it in my blog. Not only did I not want to let down my 2 readers, but I didn't want this to be another fitness and health journal that I end up looking back at and ripping the pages out, feeling disappointed.

I seriously love the Fit Girl online community. It's so awesome to see that so many other girls are going through it, too. The pain, the gain, the food, the victories, it's all so encouraging. I came across one particular fit girls page who inspired me. She posted her "before" pictures, but you could tell it was very difficult for her to do. The reason she said she could post them, was because she KNEW she was going to get better. I love that, it was so empowering to see someone post pictures of what they are insecure about. Why can't I do that? Uhh...because I'm scared! The thought horrifies me. But wait, I CAN do it...I was just choosing not to. I was letting my fear overcome me. I don't want to be that person. Thank you @fitgirl.jiiittt!

So to go along with that, I will be posting some current "before" pictures, as soon as I buy some workout shorts. I suppose I could do my workout pants, you just don't see the progress as clearly. Hmm... I'll do both, because I KNOW there will be progress, however big or small, due to trying my best. 

Pictures to come later today :-D :-( :-S :-/ :-)


  1. I'm at least one of those two!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh my gosh I'm terrible at commenting ... I was just trying to say that this is Katie and then I somehow deleted that.

    3. Lol! Thanks. Can always count on Katie :)
