Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Catch up

As in...this will be a catch up for you since I haven't posted in awhile. 

I've been in a major funk lately. I've had some so not fit girl foods, and skipped about 4 workouts. Not in a row, though. I don't know what it is. Maybe hormones. All I know is I hate it. I don't want to slip back into apathy. I tend to have unrealistic expectations for myself, so when those aren't met in a short amount of time, I get discouraged and frustrated. Trying to find something to spark my motivation again has been difficult. I thought maybe some nice Nikes, since I've never had nice tennis shoes, (yes, tennis shoes), but I only workout inside on carpet and don't really need shoes. 

We're moving in less than 2 weeks, which is whole different stressful story, but we'll be super close to some friends of ours and they said we could borrow their dogs anytime we wanted. So, I've decided to get up before work, and take them on a long walk. Something active, but not a real "workout". That means I will actually need some nice shoes! 
Here's the deal, though: I just typed that all excitedly, and the feeling passed a second later. Eh. I'm just not excited anymore about it. I've been trying really really hard to push through this, and I am to an extent. Eating healthy again and working out, mostly because of routine and because I don't want to lose momentum for when I'm actually motivated again.

What motivates YOU, my 2 readers? Seriously, I wanna know.

I think it's that by the time I get home from work, I don't feel like making dinner, letting it digest enough, and then go workout, then shower, dry my hair, etc. I'm tired of the same thing every single day. What do I doooo?

Haha, I sat down to write this and totally planned on being super positive, and then this is what comes out. The truth will set you free! Haha...dunno where that came from. It was super dramatic in my head, too.

GW: Happy.


  1. Seriously don't beat yourself up on it too much! You've already lost almost 20lbs and that's a huge deal. I'm never consistantly motivated, and honestly I haven't been eating great lately. But it's unrealistic to ever expect ourselves to be able to change EVERYTHING about our diet and exercise perfectly right away. You've already accomplished so much, and you are looking great so feel happy about that. We're going to have times that we eat not so great food, there's times that we're going to sit on our butts and take a day off. But as long as we don't continue into that pattern I think we'll live :-) Try changing up your exercises, maybe that'll help too. Idk your exercise routine, but try going on walks outside once or twice a week. Other times try dancing videos for cardio, then other types of exercise. Do any of your friends workout too? Try getting together once or twice a week and have a zumba session on your tv (If your living room is big enough) I'm not the best for advice because honestly you're doing waaaaay better than me lol, but just try to view it realistically and not be too hard on yourself. We're all human, we're going to want deliciously bad foods every now and then. But we know now what we have to do to make up for it ;-) Keep it up girl, we can get passed this crazy hump in our lives....I hope :-) I'll be honest I'll be happy when I'm at the maintaining stage which is aloooooong ways for me....but eventually I hope to get there.

    1. I'm definitely gonna try the walks outside, I need the sunshine.
      Matching up schedules to work out together is hard, and I don't know if I can work out with other people...hmm. I'll give it a go this next month.
