Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Back in the Ring

That is seriously how it feels, like this new me is in a boxing ring with the old me and there are an endless amount of rounds. My last blog entry was me being knocked out, but I'm back in the game!

I finished my 3/16 challenge, and even with my skipped workouts and few cheat meals, I actually saw results in my after pictures. That was my biggest fear, not seeing any change in the pictures, but I did! So now I'm determined to really hit it hard this next round, especially because this is the last challenge before summer. It would be so nice to actually wear a bathing suit without feeling horrible or constantly trying to cover up. I'll always wear board shorts, but wearing a bikini top without a tank top would be nice.

The next challenge starts on Monday, which just happens to work out perfectly, since we're moving this week and officially on Saturday. So we'll be in our new place for start of this round. I am especially excited about this because of light.
You read that right. Light. Let me explain. Our current house, has THE worst lighting ever, and the walls are all dark, so it was bringing me down. I know it sounds weird, but it was really affecting me. Our new place has light walls, and great lighting. I already know that will help quite a bit.

I also gained some new #fitsisters! I am super excited about this, because it just gives me more determination to really stick to this and keep going! Man...this is the time, seriously, to freakin DO this. I don't want to start 2016 feeling disappointed that I let this time go by and not even trying. I'm gonna do this! I'm doing this! 

Okay, done with my self hype. It felt good. :-P

Well, here are my before and afters:


  1. Hi babies,
    You do so gud!

    I've been thinking about Monday to start P90X. Don't know if that's too soon to start something as extreme as P90X is while our house is still in boxes and I'm still getting used to the job but... I wanna start something soon....

    1. Yeah!! We should start doing stuff together! I know, I know, I don't do that. I will now, though! You can help me stick to finishing ALL of my reps and correct my form. It'll be fun!
